Press Kit
Bud Harris, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst with a practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. After earning his Ph.D. in psychology and becoming a psychotherapist and psychologist, he experienced the call to further his growth by becoming a Jungian analyst. He then moved to Zürich, Switzerland where he trained for over five years and became a diplomate Jungian analyst. He has been in practice over 40 years, is the author of 24 books, and has lectured widely.
Massimilla Harris, Ph.D., is a Jungian analyst with a practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the past 25 years. She holds a doctorate in Psychology and is a graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. She is also an author, teacher, and award-winning quilter.
Love and Power: A Guide for Cultivating the Values of the Heart by Dr. Bud Harris, 2023
Reflections From the Chrysalis: A Collection of Essays for the Path to a Well-Lived Life by Dr. Bud Harris, 2022
Facing the Apocalypse: A Call for Outrageous Courage, Love, and Compassion by Dr. Bud Harris. 2021
The Journey Into Wholeness: A Jungian Guide to Discovering the Meaning of Your Life’s Path by Dr. Bud Harris, 2020
Confronting Evil: A Jungian Guide to Searching for Light in the Heart of Darkness by Dr. Bud Harris. 2020
The Midnight Hour: A Jungian Perspective on America’s Current Pivotal Moment by Dr. Bud Harris. 2020
An Open Letter to the Students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School by Dr. Bud Harris. 2018
Radical Hope and the Healing Power of Illness by Dr. Bud Harris. 2017.
Aging Strong: The Extraordinary Gift of a Longer Life by Dr. Bud Harris. 2016.
Becoming Whole: A Jungian Guide to Individuation by Dr. Bud Harris. 2016.
The Search for Self and the Search for God by Dr. Bud Harris. 2015
Cracking Open: A Memoir of Struggling, Passages and Transformations by Dr. Bud Harris. 2015.
Into the Heart of the Feminine: Facing the Death Mother Archetype to Reclaim Love, Strength, and Creativity by Drs. Massimilla and Bud Harris. 2015.
The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship: A Practical Guide for Creating the Loving Relationships We Want by Drs. Bud and Massimilla Harris. 2010
Resurrecting the Unicorn: Masculinity in the 21st Century by Dr. Bud Harris. 2009.
Like Gold Through Fire: Understanding the Transforming Power of Suffering by Drs. Bud and Massimilla Harris. 2009.
The Father Quest: Rediscovering an Elemental Psychic Force by Dr. Bud Harris. 2009.
The Fire and the Rose: The Wedding of Spirituality and Sexuality by Dr. Bud Harris. 2007.
Sacred Selfishness: A Guide to Living a Life of Substance by Dr. Bud Harris. 2005.
Recently Published Articles and Videos
Midnight in America (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
Sacred Selfishness: A Guide to Creating a Life of Love, Authenticity, and Substance (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
Students Under Siege (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
The Rage and the Shame, and An Open Letter to the Students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
Aging Strong Presentation and Discussion at Malaprop’s Bookstore (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
Cracking Open Presentation and Discussion at Malaprop’s Bookstore (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
Into the Heart of the Feminine Presentation and Discussion at Malaprop’s Bookstore (video) by Dr. Massimilla Harris and Dr. Bud Harris.
Facing the Death Mother (video) by Dr. Massimilla Harris.
Confronting Evil: A Jungian Guide for Searching for Light in the Heart of Darkness (video) by Dr. Bud Harris.
Dynamic Listening: The Power to Nourish and Heal (video) by Dr. Massimilla Harris.
Dying Into Life by Drs. Bud and Massimilla Harris. Published in Asheville Jung Center newsletter.
The Cross as a Tree of Life by Dr. Massimilla Harris. Published in the Fall 2013 edition of The Atlanta Jung Society newsletter.
The Sounds of Individuation by Dr. Massimilla Harris.
In the Media
Book Review: “Aging Strong: Living it Forward and Giving it Back” WNC Woman, January 2017
The Death Mother, Toko-Pa, May 2015
Into the Heart of the Feminine, Matrignosis: A Blog About Inner Wisdom, April 2015
Books: Into the Heart of the Feminine, The Laurel of Asheville, April 2015
Awakening to the Feminine, Awakening to the Dance, March 2015
Asheville Jungian analysts deal with the Medusa within, The Asheville Citizen-Times, March 2015
Press Kit and Sample Interview Questions
Interview Questions for Into the Heart of the Feminine
Interview Questions for Sacred Selfishness
High-Resolution Photos