The following is an excerpt from Becoming Whole: A Jungian Guide to Individuation. It is on sale April 3-10, 2019, for $8.95 in paperback with a free Kindle version included. As the dream opened, with the force of something coming from …
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Sacred Selfishness Lecture Video
Dr. Bud HarrisI define Sacred Selfishness as valuing ourselves enough to develop into “authentic” human beings who give back vitality and hope to the people around us. It is acquiring what Emerson refers to as “character—a reserved force which acts directly by …
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Imagine 2019 as A YEAR OF HOPE
Dr. Bud HarrisThis morning a friend shared with me that she felt like the world has drastically changed for the worse. I have heard this comment a lot lately and tended to agree with it. But, as I have been reflecting on …
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Aging Strong: Fully Engaged – The Key to Being Fully Alive
Dr. Bud Harris“When death finds you, be sure she finds you fully alive.” This saying from an old African folktale has stuck with me for many years. One of the first steps we must take in becoming fully alive is to overcome …
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Aging Strong: Ambition and Awareness Come Together
Dr. Bud HarrisOne of the biggest surprises in my life is to find myself as ambitious as I have ever been while I am approaching my eighth decade. I credit Jung’s individuation process for this reality and for helping me uncover the …
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My Newest Book, and $2.99 Kindle Books
Dr. Bud HarrisI am pleased to announce my newest book, Becoming Whole: A Jungian Guide to Individuation. This book comprises the text of two lectures and the seminars that accompanied them. I have presented these workshops and seminars in Asheville, North Carolina …
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The Search for Self & the Search for God (Part 3)
Dr. Bud HarrisWhat triggers our engagement in life? What makes us want to deepen ourselves and have a life rooted in the authentic ground of our being? As we begin to consider these questions, we may realize that we aren’t born highly …
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The Search for Self & the Search for God (Part 2)
Dr. Bud Harris … Do you really know what you want?… I encounter many different people daily who are fascinating and remarkable, and I often find myself standing in awe of how unique we all are as individuals. Yet as I get …
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Captives of Normalcy (Part 4)
Dr. Bud HarrisErich Fromm believed that character determined behavior. In his studies of how society affects our development, he concluded that every society shares a common character structure, meaning a common set of traits that motivate us to behave in ways that fulfill the goals and ideals of our culture. For example we are taught and conditioned to believe our self-worth depends upon our achievements, our financial value, the things we own, how productive we are, and how other people evaluate us. Fromm called this collection of traits our social character. Society from its largest institutional units down to its smallest, the family, endeavors to teach us these traits.
Individuation: The Path to Growth and Authenticity – Captives of Normalcy (Part 3)
Dr. Bud HarrisIn understanding Jung’s individuation process and how it works for us, it helps to know a few basic things about the levels of consciousness we can obtain. To begin with, our levels of consciousness or psychological maturity become increasingly based on self-awareness rather than age after we have reached adulthood.