“De-patriarching” Masculinity and Reclaiming Its Heart: A Lecture With Bud Harris

Eros and Thanatos energies depicted in a yin yang with sunflowers and a stormy night.


Friday, September 13, 2024
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Zoom, Eastern Time



Join Us for This Lecture Hosted by Jung Society of Washington

For good reason, “patriarchal” and “toxic” are words we often hear describing masculinity. Yet, we live in a time of dramatic challenges when the life-giving, life-affirming spirit of masculinity is desperately needed. Dr. Harris, a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst with more than 40 years professional experience, cuts through the confusion surrounding masculine issues by exploring the potentials, satisfactions, and responsibilities of being a man from their archetypal roots.

These characteristics are fundamental to being a father, a participant in relationships, and a contributing member of society. Dr. Harris translates our heritage and present problems into a perspective that guides us toward personal and social health and fulfillment. Drawing from his personal and professional experiences, he focuses on men and the challenges of personal development they face. He provides the tools and the information necessary to personalize these issues and help men develop answers that express their own authenticity. This presentation is also important to women, as they struggle to understand the nature of masculinity and its place within themselves, society, and the men and boys in their lives.


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